A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

OsaReta - Teman Masa Kecil yang Terlupakan

Masa SMA telah tiba, dan kamu ingin kembali akrab dengan teman masa kecilmu, Aki-chan, setelah jarak antara kalian berdua semakin membesar seiring berjalannya waktu. Apakah kamu akan berhasil meraih hati teman masa kecilmu? Akankah kamu membuka lembaran baru dengan perempuan lain? Keputusan ada di tanganmu!

OsaReta - The Forgotten Childhood Friend

It's the beginning of your high school life, and you want to get closer to your childhood friend, Aki-chan, as the distance between you two have grown bigger and bigger as time passed. Will you succeed in winning the heart of your childhood friend? Will you turn over a new leaf with another girl? The decision is yours!


osareta_1.0_setup.exe 134 MB
osareta-1.0-linux.tar.bz2 135 MB

Install instructions

Untuk Windows: Unduh dan jalankan installer .exe.

Untuk Linux: Unduh, ekstrak, dan jalankan file .sh.

For Windows: Download and run the .exe installer.

For Linux: Download, extract, and run the .sh file.


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